So I was doing my research again today for a scooter and came across this article. Strange how my brain makes connections, huh.:)
It was a beautiful explanation of kindness.
If kindness is our true nature, I inquire, why are we so often unfriendly? You can only be kind if your past no longer controls you. And how do you let go of your past? Forgiveness. Someone who cannot forgive is like a city where traffic has come to a standstill. But how do you forgive? First you have to fully recognize and thoroughly feel your suffering. It is not good to hastily forgive for the sake of forgiving.
I have my scooter choices narrowed down to a Stella or Lambretta; One step closer to scooter ecstasy. ah.. the fantasies I have once I get my scooter. Oh la la... theyre too hot to list here. J
But Ill give a hint, they involve whip cream, chocolate, and cold metal pasties. Oh wait thats something else, nevermind.
It was a beautiful explanation of kindness.
If kindness is our true nature, I inquire, why are we so often unfriendly? You can only be kind if your past no longer controls you. And how do you let go of your past? Forgiveness. Someone who cannot forgive is like a city where traffic has come to a standstill. But how do you forgive? First you have to fully recognize and thoroughly feel your suffering. It is not good to hastily forgive for the sake of forgiving.
I have my scooter choices narrowed down to a Stella or Lambretta; One step closer to scooter ecstasy. ah.. the fantasies I have once I get my scooter. Oh la la... theyre too hot to list here. J
But Ill give a hint, they involve whip cream, chocolate, and cold metal pasties. Oh wait thats something else, nevermind.