I fantasize too often about you…the imaginary woman I will meet and love one day. I will look into your beautiful eyes and feel comforting peace that I've never experienced. After years of searching for the impossible dream I shall finally arrive at home into your heart and you will never want me to leave. We will be each other’s greatest love.
It is like a politically correct Disney movie that morphed into wild chocolate induced hallucination which constantly replays over and over in my head. There are blue birds singing in a thick foreign accented language and small furry cute animal’s break dancing around me. It is intense and overwhelming at times living in my twisted version of reality where conflicts are resolved and love connections formed like a sitcom in 30 minutes, ending with a big hug and warm smiles. All this occurs before I actually meet and know a real person. I get easily lost in these intoxicated moments where I see people as I want them to be instead of the reality for what they truly are.
It is like a politically correct Disney movie that morphed into wild chocolate induced hallucination which constantly replays over and over in my head. There are blue birds singing in a thick foreign accented language and small furry cute animal’s break dancing around me. It is intense and overwhelming at times living in my twisted version of reality where conflicts are resolved and love connections formed like a sitcom in 30 minutes, ending with a big hug and warm smiles. All this occurs before I actually meet and know a real person. I get easily lost in these intoxicated moments where I see people as I want them to be instead of the reality for what they truly are.