It seems as if a healthy relatively young male such as myself can't just go out and buy a motor scooter without having his manhood questioned. Why? Is it because we live in a society where bigger is better. I mean everywhere your head turns we see "biggie fries" and "super size it". Hell, Hardee's has a burger that has 1,420 calories! My daily intake is only 1,500 calories. Granted that is for other reasons. Everything is about mass consumption. We eat large then we buy the largest, and fattest SUV's. Next we bitch because gas is too expensive. A hearse gets better gas mileage than a Hummer! You are probably wondering where i am going with all this. Bare with me a little longer. Once i was sucked into that worldly ideal, but then i woke up. I started asking a simple question,why. why do i need a 350 thousand dollar home if i can live in a 100 thousand dollar and have money left over to travel. why do i need a 50 thousand dollar SUV to drive 7 minutes to work? why do i need to shove half of a dead animal in my stomach to make me feel better? When you cant answer the "why" that should be a resounding large bell for yourself. now, you may say i am a hypocrite because i like nice things. well, no. i enjoy better quality items as much as the next Joe however, i don't see how excess indulgence will make me any happier.( thinking to myself...damn i need to make my point sooner instead of chasing the rabbit). Scooters. :) My co-workers are giving me hell because i am going to buy a scooter. somehow i become less of a man riding one. One thing that most don't understand about me is do my own thing. I don't ride on the same boat of others very often. I like to pick and choose my journeys, no matter if they wind up causing me pain later. I want to learn and enjoy life from my perspective. I enjoy the off beaten path. a road you may cross everyday might not mean much to you because you are at that spot. i may step foot onto the dirt once for the first time and it becomes my mantra. sorry.. too much back story. anyway, i feel like scooters haven't been ruined by the mainstream media yet. motorcycles were once a sign of rebellion against authority. now, they can be seen with 80 year old women riding them. scooters still have that special quality that is like opening up a book for the first time. you experience that smell and freshness for which no one else has tainted by greasy french fry fingers. i suppose i like scooters because they remind me of Europe. i like scooters because they make me feel closer to world around me in a way which is more real than a motorcycle has provided. I suppose i am a dork, a geek and a nerd. I can appreciate the normal but the child inside me continues to be fascinated by opposites.